Open Hybrid

What is Open Hybrid?

Open Hybrid is a platform for interaction with everyday objects.

It combines physical objects with the benefits of a flexible augmented user interface.

This platform allows you to:

  • Create Augmented Reality content with HTML tools
  • Create Augmented Reality without any knowledge about 3D Programming
  • Connect the functionality of objects with a simple drag and drop paradigm
  • Program your objects with Arduino


Every object that you build with this platform, will be compatible and can be connected with any other object ever built with the Hybrid Objects platform.



The entire platform uses Web standards. This means there are no proprietary protocols.

Hybrid Objects uses the same technologies all your favorite webpages use to communicate. These standards are well explored and widely used on the Internet and can now be used for your Hybrid Objects.




All data about interfaces and connections are stored within the objects themselves.

At no point is there an external server involved, so don’t worry about running an open hybrid system in your forest cabin. However, since the entire platform builds on Web, you can add any services that you want to the foundational platform. We look forward to seeing how you connect the Web to your objects.




The Entire platform is open source.

If you have good ideas on how to do things differently, program it and then contribute it back to the community. We look forward to your contributions. However, if you are just interested in using the platform, we also look forward to seeing all of your cool ideas!





Wherever you can run node.js you can run the Hybrid Object platform. We have successfully experimented with MIPS, ARM, x86 and x64 systems on Windows, Linux and OSX. We have built the Reality Editor with JavaScript and Open Frameworks. If you have the latest Head Mounted, Projected or Holographic Interfaces, feel free to compile the code for your platform and share your findings with the community.





The minimum system requirements to run the hybrid object are:


+32 MB Ram

+ 100 MB Memory

TCP/IP and UDP Networking capabilities.